Lookingglass Theatre Company
821 N Michigan Ave
312.337.0665 | lookingglasstheatre.org
For thirty years, Lookingglass Theatre Company has been redefining the theatrical experience in Chicago, creating new work that is that is physical, aurally rich and visually metaphoric. In 2003 it opened its state-of-the-art theater facility inside the former boiler room of the historic Pumping Station on Michigan Avenue.
$20 student rush tickets for students with valid ID on day of performance (subject to availability). Alternatively, with our Madhatter’s Club Pass, you can now choose between 3 tickets for $75 OR 4 tickets for $100. Use your tickets however you’d like: see each show, or bring 2 to 3 friends to a single performance! Experience Lookingglass with other young professionals, receive invites to special receptions, and enjoy the flexibility to choose any performance. Must provide proof of age, seating is subject to availability.