Organizations across the University of Chicago offer a variety of resources designed to support creative endeavors, arts practice and research, exhibition and performance, and professional development across the campus. A variety of grants, fellowships, funds, and prizes are available for individual students or Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs).
Arts, Science + Culture Graduate Collaboration Grant
Funded by: The Arts, Science + Culture Initiative
Award range: Up to $3000
Call for Proposals in the fall quarter.
This grant encourages independent trans-disciplinary research between students in the arts and the sciences. Each group may consist of two or more graduate students, with at least one in the arts and one from the sciences or social sciences, who work together over the course of the academic year to investigate a subject from the perspectives offered by their disciplines. The program is directed by Julie Marie Lemon (jmlemon@uchicago.edu).
Jeff Metcalf Internship Grant – Arts & The Humanities
Funded by: Careers in Arts, Culture & Entertainment
Award range: Up to $1500
To support students in reaching their career goals and help offset the cost of living expenses during the internship experience, Career Advancement offers a limited pool of funding for unpaid, student-sourced opportunities in industries that traditionally do not offer intern compensation. Funding is provided through the University’s Jeff Metcalf Internship Program.
Logan Center Co-Creation Grant
Funded by: Logan Center University Arts Engagement Office
Award range: $300 to $500 each for 4 projects
This grant aims to incentivize projects between two or more undergraduate students looking to demonstrate ways their individual creative explorations can impact one another's work. By providing intentional access to Logan Center spaces, staff, partners, and expertise, we hope to make possible student projects that can benefit from the unique resources that the Logan Center has to offer.
Student Logan Art Fund
Funded by: Logan Center
Award range: varies
Requests reviewed on a rolling basis
As part of the overall goal to encourage active student arts engagement, the Logan Center provides resources such as space, staffing support, and limited funding to undergraduate and graduate students and student groups doing work in the Logan Center. These projects and events need to contribute to the overall mission of the Logan Center. Requests are reviewed on a rolling basis by a committee of Logan Center staff, graduate and undergraduate art students, and select department representatives. Please email logancenter@uchicago.edu for more information.
Rockefeller Chapel Choral Singers
Funded by: Rockefeller Chapel
Auditions held annually in Fall Quarter
Auditions for the Rockefeller Chapel Choir take place each September. The Chapel Choir—mostly students, anchored by professional artists in residence in each section—has openings in all voice parts. Of those offered a place in the choir, at least three are awarded choral scholarships. Choral scholars play a leading role in their sections and have opportunity for solo work at weekly services, concerts, and ceremonies. For more information, please e-mail James Kallembach.
Rockefeller Chapel Organ Scholars
Funded by: Rockefeller Chapel
Auditions held annually in Fall Quarter
Auditions will be held in the fall for Rockefeller Chapel Organ Scholars, select student keyboardists who receive weekly lessons and (when permissible) quarterly recital opportunities on the treasured Skinner and Reneker (Wilhelm) pipe organs at the University Chapels. There are usually 2 organ scholars each year, with quarterly stipends or occasional paid service opportunities possible. The program is directed by Thomas Weisflog, University Organist (weisflog@uchicago.edu).
Rockefeller Chapel Carillon Studio
Funded by: Rockefeller Chapel
Auditions held annually in Fall Quarter
Auditions will be held in the fall for the Rockefeller Chapel Carillon Studio, students learning to play and lead virtual or onsite tours on the great bells of the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial Carillon, one of the largest musical instruments in the world. There are up to 20 student carillonists receiving regular free instruction throughout the year, and occasional summer stipends for students to continue recitals. The program is directed by Alex Johnson, University Carillonist (alexrjohnson@uchicago.edu).
Music Department Lesson Awards
Funded by: Music Department
Auditions held annually in Fall Quarter
Music Department Lesson Awards are grants presented to registered University of Chicago students who are active participants in the Performance Program to help defray the cost of private lessons in applied music. The grants are awarded on the basis of competitive auditions and may be used to cover up to 80% of the total cost of a student's private lessons in the 2021-22 academic year. To apply for a Music Lesson Award, please fill out the Lesson Awards Application.
Festival of the Arts
Funded by: Festival of the Arts (FOTA)
Award range: $20 - $220
Applications reviewed quarterly (Fall, Winter, Spring)
FOTA promotes art and creativity at UChicago by bringing together the diversity of campus—artists and audiences—through on-campus events that advocate arts creation and appreciation. Since 1963, SpringFest has achieved this purpose by transforming the campus into an art gallery/performance space and showcasing projects of various disciplines (visual, theater, music, etc.). FOTA helps student artists realize their creative ideas by providing funding, exhibition facilities, and curatorial liaisons for approximately 40 artists. For more information, contact FOTA via Facebook.
Dean's Fund for Student Life
Funded by: College Dean
Award range: $750–$1500
Applications reviewed monthly, September through June
The Dean's Fund for Student Life offers students in the College opportunities to advance their chosen academic and professional goals, as these undertakings serve as an important source of innovation and learning for our campus culture. Funded by donations from generations of alumni, the Fund exists to support and implement student ideas and development by sponsoring one-time projects as well as by providing support for the Uncommon Fund. Students may apply for the Dean's Fund at any time they are enrolled as a student and plan to be enrolled the following quarter. Students may receive funding only once during their College career. Funding requests made to the Dean's Fund are one-time requests and cannot be renewed. Applications are reviewed monthly.
Dean’s Fund for Undergraduate Research
Funded by: College Dean
Award range: $750–$1500
The Dean’s Fund for Undergraduate Research supports current undergraduates in the College engaged in scholarly research mentored by a faculty and/or other research mentor(s). It also supports conference travel if a student is attending to present a research poster or paper. You can only apply to one grant type and may only receive one Dean's Fund grant (of any type) over the course of your undegraduate career. You can read more here about the types of scholarly undergraduate research activity supported by the Dean’s Fund. Please also carefully review the College’s defintion of undergraduate research here to ensure that your project qualifies. Applications accepted on rolling basis.
Annual Allocations
Funded by: Student Government
Applications reviewed annually, April
The Student Government Finance Committee Annual Allocations is an opportunity for RSOs to apply for funds for their events in the upcoming year. Priority is given to funding annual events or programs that are an integral part of an RSO's programming, while remaining funds are used to support new, thoroughly planned programs. Capital Improvements are not eligible for SGFC Annual Allocations. For more information, visit the Annual Allocations information page.
Student Government Finance Committee
Funded by: Student Government
Applications reviewed weekly, during academic quarters
Along with Annual Allocations and Summer SGFC, the Student Government Finance Committee disburses the largest amount of Undergraduate Student Government funding for RSO use. The committee meets weekly to review RSO funding requests; RSOs can request funds from this committee for an event or even a capital improvement. More information here.
Program Coordinating Council
Funded by: Student Government
Applications reviewed annually, Spring Quarter
The Program Coordinating Council (PCC) is comprised of representatives from the 6 PCC Groups (The Council on University Programming [COUP], Doc Films, Fire Escape Films, the Major Activities Board [MAB], University Theater [UT], and WHPK Radio Station), Student Government, and an ORCSA advisor. Only PCC groups can receive funding from PCC. Conversely, RSOs in PCC may not receive funding from other Student Government committees.