Literary Arts
Contribute to publications as a creative writer or meet with fellow writers to provide mutual support and inspiration.
Catcher in the Rhyme
Whether through open mics, weekly meetings, or hosting and attending events, Catcher in the Rhyme seeks to promote the voice of the individual with the power of a community. We're here to make sure that the many talented voices of our community have the chance to explore slam poetry, learn and grow as writers, performers, and people.
UChicomics provides students with a space to read, discuss, create, and fund comics, illustrations, and other 2D visual art. Activities include tabling at local conventions, bonding over writing and illustration, and group field trips.
Writers’ Workshop
The Writers' Workshop seeks to develop the creative writing ability of its members through a process of workshops and drills. Focus will be put on collaboration with peers to critically examine students' fiction, poetry, or non-fiction work.